Current Project
Attention Vermont Women Playwrights and the Theatre Community Who Loves Them!
Community Call: Second Annual International Women’s Voices Day – Vermont Edition
What is this?
Complications Company is producing the second Vermont Playwrights Edition of the International Women's Voices Day, in solidarity with women playwrights around the globe and in celebration of the voices here at home. This community showcase reading and potluck dinner will highlight the strong women’s voices on the stages of Vermont.
When and where is this?
The readings and potluck will take place on Sunday, January 20, 2019 – the weekend of Women’s March. The event begins at 5:00 PM and will run until 8:00 PM. We will be meeting at the Off Center for the Dramatic Arts in Burlington.
Who is invited?
This is a community event to celebrate the voices of Vermont’s women playwrights – so everyone who supports our new play community is welcome! We invite all Vermont playwrights comfortable identifying as a woman’s voice to submit a piece for inclusion in the readings, and we are making a list of performers (all sorts!) to join the reader pool.
What do I do now?
Write and submit! There are 15 available author slots for 5 minute pieces or excerpts. We welcome your submission anytime in December to .
Want to participate as a reader?
Send us your name, preferred pronouns, preferred gender of role you’ll play, and age range. Even if we know, it’s helpful for us to have this information on hand when we cast the reading.
This project is supported in part by an award from the BCA Community Fund.
Further Details:
How will the readings work?
The event is unjuried, but curated. Each playwright will be assigned a five-minute reading slot to showcase an unproduced piece of their work. It does not need to be freshly written (though that is fine too); it just needs to be unproduced. All writers will submit their pieces, along with a brief description of the piece, a casting breakdown and a short writer biography. At Complications Company, Laura and Mary Beth will check the reading time and organize casting from the reader pool. No piece will be edited, but pieces may be cut short if they run over time. Actors will receive their scripts and roles a week before the event via email to have time to familiarize themselves with the pieces. In the event the number of submissions exceeds available programming slots, priority will be given to playwrights who will be able to attend the event, and then by order of submission and availability of readers. We sincerely wish to include as many writers as possible.
How will the potluck work?
Fill out this online form for all participants and interested community members to sign up to bring a dish. We will set up a buffet in the main dressing room at the Off Center, and the readings will be interspersed with food breaks.
How do I get involved?
Join the event on Facebook. We will be using the Facebook event response as a general guideline for expected attendance for things like food planning.
For Playwrights:
Email the following to
Your Name
Your Hometown
A brief (100 word) writer’s biography
A five-minute (reading time, including stage directions- TIME YOURSELF!) sample of an unproduced script, preferably in standard play format. This can include excerpts from longer works, monologues, songs – any theatrical piece you would like to showcase. There is no prescribed theme or content requirement.
a casting breakdown of all the characters in your script selection, including (where appropriate) ages, genders, and a single sentence character description (to be supplied to the performers)
a brief (up to five sentence) description of the selection. For example: “This is an excerpt from Jane Doe’s full length romantic comedy “Saturday Jams”, set in Florence, Italy in 1954. In this scene our heroine Josefina dazzles her sister’s friend Masha with her encyclopedic knowledge of preserving fruit. “
To be included in the reader’s pool, email with the subject line “Reader for Women’s Voices”. Please include your email address and telephone number for our contact list. Please be sure to include your preferred pronouns, preferred gender of role you’ll play, and age range. Even if we know, it’s helpful for us to have this information on hand when we cast the reading.
Community Members:
In addition to joining the Facebook event, email to let us know you would like to be included on the email for the online potluck sign-up, which will be sent out in the first week of January.
We are also looking for volunteers to help with the running of the event. Would you care to help with:
-on-site food organization
-event and theatre set up
-welcome table
-reader coordination
-event timekeeping and production assistance
-clean-crew and theatre restoration
To volunteer for any of these crews, drop an email to